I saw a bear. I'm safe though. JD Boy is safe too. Oh wait! I didn't tell you, JD Boy and my grandpa were waiting on the bridge for me and my aunt and my uncle to come down the trail, because we had gone hiking. All of the sudden, JD Boy said, "Grandpa, there's a bear!" Grandpa looked and sure enough there was a bear. It was coming straight for the bridge. My grandpa said that it was probably going to go under the bridge, but I guess you can't really read a bear's mind, because the bear popped up right in front of my grandpa and JD Boy. JD Boy was probably about 9 or 10 feet from the bear. Grandpa and JD Boy backed up. Grandpa knows what to do about bears; he's seen them before. They visit him at his house. Then my uncle and aunt and I came down the trail. My grandpa yelled, "There's a bear!" The bad thing is that we couldn't hear what said so we just kept walking. I told my uncle that there's a bear. He looked, but he didn't see it. He told me and my aunt to stay right where were. He walked ahead and sure enough there was a brown Black Bear. My uncle came slowly back and he said, "Stay still! Don't show that you're scared." Of course, I was really scared. Then it came right up the trail toward us. It was in the grass, but it was pretty close. Then we started backing up. We backed up a few feet. It didn't really pay much attention to us, but here's a picture that shows how close we were.

We saw Mountain Goats too--I mean lots! There were Mountain Goats that were close and Mountain Goats that were far. I could touched some of them, if I thought I needed too, but I really didn't think I should because they might have hurt me and besides that was the rules of the park. I am a Junior Ranger and swore that I wouldn't hurt wild animals at parks.

We saw baby goats too; and they were sure cute!

We saw Columbian Ground Squirrels. They were cute too.

This is a picture my dad took. We took a ride in the boat that's at the dock. I love the sunset in the background of this picture.

This is my family just having some fun on a windy rock. I'm sure glad we didn't get blown off, into the water. There was water right under there, well it was a long ways down to the water.

My dad takes pictures of everything, including pictures in the rain. Of course, you couldn't skip taking a picture of this. Even my aunt took a picture of it with my camera. Although it wasn't raining, when she took her picture. The name of this lake is Iceberg Lake. You'll have to go there sometime. It's told that there's always ice there--all through summer, all through winter. I do think my daddy is kind of silly because we all had to stand and wait for him while he took pictures, but we just waited under a tree and ate our lunch...in the rain.

I like Glacier National Park, especially when I have a whole family to go with me. Hope you get to go there sometime. It's a pretty place.